I won’t forget. I was 7 years old but i will not forget. I know I was a child, at that time I didn’t quite know what was going on. My aunt and uncle came to my house and when I entered the kitchen, them and also my sister and my parents were glued to the tv and my aunt had tears in her eyes and I found out later that they were frightened that their daughter might have taken that flight. She didn’t.
At that time I was so young. I knew it was bad, of course, but I also knew it’d happen the same as usual: they’d talk about it for a couple of weeks and then drop it. Guess it took longer than a couple of weeks but still I have the feeling a lot of people forgot. And that’s what bugs me and gets me down. We’re human beings, curious by nature. Shouldn’t we be asking questions?
Maybe I’m not making myself clear enough but the thing is I’m not buying that was-the-al-qaeda-people-who-did-the-whole-thing crap. I am not. My father got mad and yelled at me the other day because I said I thought it was an inside job, but I don’t really mind because I know i’m not the only one questioning the things the 9/11 Comission said happened.Loads of things don’t quite fit. I mean LOADS. I hate Bush. I do. He was a liar who didn’t protect the environment and was full of bs.
- February, 2001, J.W. Bush ordeners the investigations envolving Ossama Bin Laden’s family to stop.
- Two O.B. relatives lived next to the CIA Headquarters
- When Ossama was already America’s most wanted he spent two weeks in a hospital in Dubai, was treated by na American doc and visited by the local CIA agent
- In 1978, Bin Laden’s elder brother hired Jim Bath to handle all investments made by bin Laden’s family in America
- Jim Bath is friends with J.W. Bush
Remember that plane that crashed in Pentagon? Yeah? Well…there were no big plane parts on the scene. Apperently, the jet fuel melted it all. Tons of steel and tatenium…vaporized. And you know what? That’s scientifically impossible. But the milion dollar question is: how were they able to indentify the bodies? Fingerprints, DNA…? I mean, a freaking 60 tons plane burned out to the skies but bodies didn’t? Come on! I thought they’d be smarter.
Hani Hanjou, the hijacker, was known as a baaaaad pilot, terrible, even. It is known that he hardly knew how to fly a small plane.
The footages from cameras across the strees were taken by the FBI and everyone who asks to see them gets a negative answer. Those footages never became public. We’d be thinking if they actually showed that plane crashing the Pentagon the Government would have released them already. They did not. Basically, there are no proofs that a plane has crashed the Pentagon.Does any of you remember the other plane that crashed the empty field? Shanksville? Oh yeahh…Interesting, indeed. No bodies, no plane, no blood, not even a tiny drop. Basically, a hole in the ground and a few broken trees. The coroner even said that after 20 minutes he knew he had no job to do because there were no bodies. I find this reaaaaaally interesting.
Most peolple doesn’t know about the existence of a WTC Tower 7. Yup. It was a tiny building living in the shadows of WTC 1 and 2. See it there?Well…it was not hit by any plane but it FELL!! Oh. Only two or three floors were on fire but still it fell just like the others. You wanna know how the other two buildings fell? If we stick with the official report “Pancake Effect”. But the thing is, if it’d happen, all floors would be pilled up, know what I mean? And the steel structure would still be there, in the middle. It’d be like if the floors got separeted from the center. It’d be like….this.WTC structural engineer says : “We designed the Towers to sustain the impact of a Boeing 707 hiting the building on any location”.
Frank Demartri also says the building could easily sustain the impact of several planes.
10 floors destroyed per second. Only logical explanation? Explosives.
Everything points to explosives. The pools of molten steels founf 6 weeks after the attack, the basement explosions heard before the planes crashed, the little explosions seen in the lower floors like in the picture below. Those buildings fell like controlled demolition’s supposed to be. The hell with the “Pancake effect”!The 9/11 Comission brought George W. Bush and the Vice-President to be asked questions, of course. Which they did. BUT…under some conditions:
- They’d only appear togther;
- They’d be not under oath;
- No press or family members allowed in the room;
- No recording at any kind;
- No transcripts.
There are so many loosen ties. For instance…where did the money came from? Apparently that wasn’t classified as important.
You may say that bin Laden appears in a video where he claims to be the author of the attack. But…are you sure it’s him? He sure does look like him. But is it really him? Loads of people think not.We all know the defenition of Terrorism. Don’t we? But all of them?Terrorism: Technique used by the Government to manipulate public opinion in orther to further na agenda.Yup.What really happened?
It really bothers and hurts me that no one does anything to change this.
They say it was bin Laden and we all agree. No responses. Just a nod. We turn our heads and pretend that’s okay when it is NOT.What are we? WE NEED TO GET MAD!I will not forget.
A minha pessoa escreveu isto há, mais ao menos, um ano atrás num outro blog meu. I still stand by it. Eu sei que tenho uma coisinha por teorias da conspiração mas isto está à vista de todos.
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